Charade of Hearts – Chapter 31

A/N:  I hope kalma na kayong lahat by this time… Cencya po sa late posting, churi po sa mga nagpuyat…I do not own this story, this is an adaptation of the novel Double Standards by Judith McNaught!



“Mr. Lim.” The secretary in Davao bent down beside Richard, her voice lowered to a whisper to avoid disturbing the seven other major industrialists seated around the conference table discussing the final details of an international trade agreement.

“I’m sorry to disturb you, sir, but there’s a Mr. James Ventura on the phone for you…”

Richard nodded and slid his chair back. Seven men glanced up and looked at him with irritated accusation. Except in matters of extreme emergency, none of them was taking calls. During the last meeting and now this one, only Richard had received an urgent call and the last time the meeting had to be aborted and rescheduled because he had abruptly walked out on them.

Richard strode from the conference room, gripped by the memory of the last time James’ call had interrupted him in this meeting. That time James had fabricated some silly damned excuse for calling, so that he could say that Maya had resigned.

“Yes, what is it?” Richard said, angry at the memory of her, angry at the pain that thinking of her always evoked.

“There’s quite a celebration going on over in the engineering department,” James began, his voice hesitant and confused.

“Richard, even though Maya gave Cervantes copies of our four bids, we have just been awarded two of the four contracts. The low bidders on the other two contracts still haven’t been announced.” He paused, evidently waiting for Richard to answer.

“I can’t figure it out—what do you think?”

“I think,” Richard snarled, “that the stupid bastard isn’t smart enough to win a poker hand with a deck of marked cards.”

“Cervantes is conniving and wily and anything but stupid,” James argued.

“I think I’ll get the file from Joma Adriano in security and go over the figures that Maya—”

“I told you what I wanted you to do,” Richard interrupted in a low, deadly voice. “Regardless of who gets the remaining two contracts, I want Limco to bid on every job that Cervantes bids on and I want you to bid it below our cost if necessary. I want that bastard out of business in one year!”

Richard slammed the phone down and stalked back into the conference room. The chairman looked at him with ill-concealed reproof for the interruption.

“Now, may we resume?”

Richard nodded curtly. He voted carefully on the next three issues, but as the morning drifted into afternoon, and afternoon darkened into early evening, it became more and more impossible to think of anything but Maya. Rain fell outside the windows of Davao City skyscraper as the meeting continued and Provo’s outraged voice played through his mind…

You threw her out with no coat, no money, no nothing and does she call Cervantes? No! She walks eight blocks in the cold and rain, to collapse in my arms.”

Eight blocks! Why hadn’t the guards let her stop to get her coat or umbrella? He remembered the thin blouse she’d been wearing, because he had unbuttoned it himself with every intention of exposing and degrading her, exactly as he had. He remembered the sheer perfection of her creamy breasts; the incredible silkiness of her skin; the exquisite taste of her lips; the way she had kissed him and held him to her…

“Richard,” the chairman said sharply, “I assume you are in favor of this proposal?”

Richard dragged his gaze from the windows. He had no idea what proposal was being discussed.

“I’d like to hear more about it before I decide,” he prevaricated.

Seven surprised faces turned toward him.

“It’s your proposal, Richard,” the chairman scowled.

“You wrote it.”

“Then naturally I’m in favor of it,” he informed them coolly.

The committee dined as a group in one of Davao’s most elegant restaurants. The moment their meal was over, Richard abruptly excused himself to return to his hotel. Rain fell in big droplets, soaking his overcoat and dripping from his dark hair as he strolled down the crowded street, glancing disinterestedly into exclusive shops whose brightly lit windows were decorated for Christmas.

He shoved his hands into his pockets, mentally cursing James for calling him this morning about Maya and cursing Maya for walking into his life. Why hadn’t she called Cervantes to come and get her when the guards forcibly removed her from the building? Why in God’s name had she walked eight blocks in stormy weather to go to Provo?

After he had hurt and degraded her, why had she wept at his feet like a heartbroken angel? Maya’s voice drifted through his mind, choked with racking sobs.

I love you so much,” she had wept. “Please listen to me… Please don’t do this to us…”

Fury and pain blazed through him. He could not take Maya back, he reminded himself forcefully. He would never take her back.

He was willing to believe that Cervantes had blackmailed her into giving him the bids. He was even willing to believe that Maya hadn’t told Cervantes about the Rossi project. After all, if she had, Cervantes’ men wouldn’t have been swarming all over the village asking questions about Richard’s activities—they’d have been asking about Rossi. Apparently they didn’t even know the chemist’s name. Even if they found out, it wouldn’t matter. The lab tests had proved Rossi’s formula to be only a fraction as effective as he’d claimed it was, besides being a skin and eye irritant.

Richard stopped at the light on the corner, where a man in a bright red Santa Claus costume was standing beside a black iron pot and ringing a bell. Christmas had never been particularly pleasant to Richard. It was a holiday that invariably called to mind the visit he had paid to his mother as a boy; in fact, he never thought of her except at Christmas time.

Cars glided past him, their tires splashing the water in the roads. This Christmas could have been different; it could have been a beginning. He would have taken Maya to US or somewhere in Europe. No—he would have spent it at home with her. He would have built the Christmas tree with her and they could have started their own traditions. He would have made love to her, with the lights from the Christmas tree glowing on her satin skin…

Richard angrily jerked his mind away from those thoughts and stalked across the street, ignoring the horns that blared their protest and the headlights flying toward him. There would be no Christmases with Maya. He wanted her badly enough to forgive her for almost anything, but he could not, would not, forgive or forget the fact that she had betrayed him to his mother and stepfather. Perhaps in time he could have forgiven her for conspiring against him, but not with the Cervantes’. Never with them.

Richard inserted his key into the double doors of his penthouse suite.

“Where the hell have you been?” James Ventura demanded from the Queen Anne sofa where he was lounging with his feet propped on an antique coffee table.

“I’ve come to talk about the bids Maya gave Cervantes.”

Richard jerked off his coat, furious at having his suite invaded, his privacy infringed upon and particularly at being forced—even for the moment it was going to take to get James out of here—to talk about Maya again.

“I told you,” he said in a low, deadly voice, “that I wanted Cervantes out of business and I told you how I wanted it done. When you explained your part in Maya’s complicity, I excused it, but I will not—”

“You don’t have to put Cervantes out of business,” James interrupted quietly as Richard stalked toward him.

“Maya is doing it for you.” From the sofa beside him, James picked up copies of the original bids and the altered copies that Maya had made to give Cervantes.

“She changed the figures, Richard,” he said somberly.

The meeting of the committee on international trade reconvened at precisely nine o’clock the following morning. The chairman of the committee looked at the six men seated around the conference table.

“Richard Lim will not be present today,” he informed the thunderous-looking group.

“He asked me to express his regrets and to explain that he was called away on an urgent matter.”

In unison, six outraged faces turned to glare with impotent hostility at the vacant chair of their missing member.

“Last time it was a labor relations problem. What the hell is Lim’s problem this time?” a jowly man demanded unsympathetically.

“A merger,” the chairman answered.

“He said he is going to try to negotiate the most important merger of his life.”

46 thoughts on “Charade of Hearts – Chapter 31

  1. O loko! Important merger ka ngayon?!! Oh my goodness gracious great balls of fire! I do hope Maya will give you a hard time, you nincompoop. Thank you 3pimpette! This has been one heck of a story. I was so invested. It would not really have come to this either if Richard had the common sense and checked the numbers to begin with. He jumped to the wrong conclusion and assumed by just looking at the pictures instead of checking copies she had given to Cervantes compared to the original files. He would have known immediately if Maya betrayed him. His trusted chief security already gave him enough reasonable doubt to question his impression of Maya. Pwedeng humirit ng double? i’m looking forward how Richard will grovel…. this will be fun!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Its 1237 am in Chicago , I read this 3x already , I checked every minute if there’s new. Episode , this is how crazy I am waiting coz o have nothing to do except reading , thank you I hope you are getting ready to post the next chapter,hi hi hi

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hay nako ang mga adik……na tulad ko, hindi magkasya sa isang update gusto doble doble or triple pa he he he pleassssssseeee! Pero tulad niniyo, I want Richard to grovel, beg and if he need to borrow an extra lifeline, he should dahil hindi ko papayagan si Maya na kaagad agad to grant him a reprieve, a pardon and forgive him, nor will I allow him to be even be taken back by her, to be love by her again…..pero, and a very big but, kapag talaga ng tunay mong minamahal di ba nakukuha naman nating magpatawad…….kaya baka kahit pigilan natin ng sibat ang mamang singkit, kapag naglulumuhod at nagmamaka awa na siya kay Maya, she will find that her love is great enough to forgive him……waaaah ayoko ng mag isip pa miss 3pimpette, wait ko na lang ang next epi….kasi hanggang ngayon nagsisikip pa rin ang dibdib ko….sa awa sa ating lovebirds……lalong lalo na kay Maya….how is she coping with her heart ache, her bruised and trampled pride, identity and respect? Anobeyen….kung saan saan na umiikot ang utak ko! Hilo at tuliro para sa kanilang dalawa. AH basta wait na lang ako…..will we wait agonizingly or you will give in to our clamoring. ?.sige na please miss 3pimpette!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Missy its 1107pm Vancouver time, and still waiting pero sleeping time na kaya will see ur next postinv tomorrow na lang…..gake care and God bless!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. i hope Maya will give him a hard time! at pati si James… imaginie him telling Maya he believed Richard at the lowest point in Mayas life…l tsk tsk tsk… but i still would love to read how they will get back together….. update na please

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Now he knows the truth. How will he make it up to Maya? Sana mahirapan sya sa pagsuyo. Di ata nasabi ni James yung message ni Maya for Richard kapag nalaman nya yung totoo

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Naku sana namn d agad bumigay c Maya. Sana po magsisi muna ng wagas c Richard. Lumuhod muna sya sa asin at pagkatapos ay sa munggo nman ng buong maghapon. (Kung pwede lng nman. . He. He. He) nasaktan lng talaga ako para ky Maya eh. Biruin nyo mugto na ang mata ko, tulo pa sipon ko at sunod sunod pa ang sinok habang binabasa ung chapter na un, di talaga ako makaget over dun. Thanks po sa update sana meron uli mamya.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Maya its now the right time na to show them how hard for you to forget and forgive them. After all what richard in mind was the merger thing lang. Maya pa hard to get ang effect ha! Thanks sa update!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Di ako makatiis,,binasa ko na ang chap31 kc bka di ako mkatulog sa kkaisip!!
    On with the story,,,merger? Nkuu Richard Lim merger, merger
    ka dyan!! I hope Maya will not give in easily,palakarin nya ng paluhod c Richard,mula sa opis nito hang gang sa restoran no Mr.provo…..

    Liked by 1 person

  9. i think i’m going crazy on the merger of Richard…we know he is good in business , but with love for Maya??? i don’t know…but as the chapter unfolds..i just can’t help but gets so excited and kilig…

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thank you very much again. For the PW and the kawawang Maya and nakakainis na Richard love story.Sana next na so that me and my co-adiks will know na how the mighty Lim will grovel infront of Maya. God bless


  11. Nku po!! Imagine i forgot im sleepy! Super excited ako to see the read the next chapter Ms 3pimpettes thank you sooo much!! 5AM Alberta time yan! Ganyan ako ka adik!


  12. ms 3pimpettes. tomorrow is Valentine already…. can we have more than a double dose from you? pleeeease? im so excited na of the merger. pero dapat hard work for Richard….


  13. Hay naku…it still felt like there’s a different spice to this story kahit na ilang beses ko na nabasa ang Double Standards. But what made this more interesting eh yung mga comments. Mas dumami as the chapters went on. Nakakaloka kasi yon muna binabasa ko.😊😁😂 Seems like a lot of adiks will also enjoy other McNaught story adaptations.

    So ang lagay ba eh save for V-day yung last chapter? Thanks for being an adik hehe!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Waaahhhh, it was supposed to be on V-Day!! But nagbusy sa outside world, hehe Nakakaloka talaga ang mga comments, I was really glad that a lot haven’t read DS and eventually nagustuhan din nila! Or should I say, basta R&M fanfic, it will surely be liken by adiks like us… 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  14. ms 3 pimpettes, sabi mo sa chapter 27, last 5 chapters na. does that mean that chapter 31 is the last? huuuuuuhuuuu huuuuu. but u split chapter 28 and 29. wag naman sana. Bitin pa. gusto namin yong sure na nagkatuluyan. sana hindi naman open ending. please. …. ang naghihintay….


  15. Am rereading Change of Heart-Epilogue. Unfortunately I forgot the PW. Can I have it again please? Thank you in advance. God bless.


  16. isa itong fanfic that i wont get tired of reading and re-reading…and kahit nabasa ko na….the pain is still there…maxadong affected sobra! sarap kutusan si Singkit *arg* i can feel how they feel…i can imagine their faces…their expressions…i can vividly and clearly see their eyes….awwww wla talaga….same same old pain in the chest affected much talaga…thank u!

    Liked by 1 person

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